Gregory Blvd Church of Christ

7109 Raytown Rd

Raytown, MO 64133


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THIS WEEK           12/15/24                               

Praise the Lord we're open for business!

Rick S - Morning Class
Rick S - Speaker

WEDNESDAY: Prayer & Praise

Paul is doing the announcements and Bill is in charge of the program.

Serving one another is how we help and encourage each other. Please let the Elders know how you can serve.


12/26-28 Teen Holiday Study



Communion Preparation - Linda

Collection Counting - Kenny/Adam




 "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."  (John 12:26)





Time magazine once published a section devoted to the newest computer products. As I leafed through the latest gadgets and gizmos, I realized that the world and its technology was getting just beyond my grasp.

It seemed that all of the decade's advances that I so brashly accepted at one time when I was younger were getting harder and harder to keep up with. This discomfort led me to think about the effect that all of this new technology would have on my faith and I took courage in the following ideas:

1. God is the Source of Knowledge - Genesis 1:1

The one who created all things knows the potential of all things. We should see knowledge and the technology that comes from it as a blessing from God, a further insight into the wonder, complexity, and development of His initial design.

2. Proper Use is the Key - Genesis 2:16-17

The key in managing new discoveries is to find the usage that is in harmony with the rest of creation and God's will. With every advancement, there is always the possibility of abuse but this has always been the challenge and responsibility for beings who have been given free will.

3. Jesus Adapts - Colossians 3:16

Technology becomes outdated, but Jesus Christ remains. He has outlasted every bold "new world" for the simple reason that He is the Lord of creation (Colossians 1:16). This means that Jesus is the Lord of the internet and any other frontier that God will allow man to reach.

I'm still working on my ability to use today's technology. However, my simple faith in Jesus Christ will lead me beyond the "virtual" reality of this world to the "final" reality of heaven that will never change, and where keeping up will no longer be a problem.

(Mike Mazzalongo)




Titus Star G Steve S Tony H Dan G
Kim R Jack D Barbara N Ed S Brian R
Carol R Wes S Debra B The See sisters Jim G
Other Health
Sheena     Carolyn G Carroll B Dora B Kristopher B
Jerry & Jean N Juna R      John R Michael S Daniel
John M McKenzie L     Dakota Jackie D Kari Ann
Ed S Conner B     Harriet N Jane S Gaylene G
Vincent Fred M Gavin F Haden Daniel
Betty M Shawn C Sandra H Kim  
Upcoming Surgeries/Procedures
Elderly & Shut-In
Carol G Jane S Jean N  Rita P Shirley V
Service Men & Women
Expectant Mothers

Always remember our young people who have grown out of the family home and are pursuing studies and careers, that they continue to seek wisdom from the omni-present Father. And that they continue to hold Him first in their lives.




They tell me that the Roman Empire was destroyed by internal rot. We can see signs of that in our own country. Who will be the next Super Power? What changes will this make in our lives?

Rot prevention requires continual watchfulness and the willingness to take the necessary corrective action when needed. Rot destroys houses from the inside. I look at our house here in Raytown and see all that needs to be done. But, there’s so little time and no one wants to start a project that they cannot finish. Watching Mike Rowe on “Dirtiest Jobs”, I’m astounded by all the actions taken to prevent rot - adding zinc plates to metal that is under water; scheduled preventive maintenance; scraping and coating, etc. There never seems to be an end. Get the preventive maintenance done and it’s time to start all over! There’s no end!! Talk about job security!!

In Acts 20 Paul met with the Elders from Ephesus and gave them a serious warning. From among YOU will arise false teachers preying on the Church! Scary!! From among those who meet the criteria given to the Evangelists to lead, would be those spreading death! Even though there’s going to be external problems, arising outside the Church, the real danger will be from within!!

It is these men who will give an account for their actions and that of the flock of God they shepherd. The Hebrew writer warns us not to grieve them when they give their account to God!

In Acts 20 and in I Peter 5 three different Greek words are used to describe these men and their work. Peter addresses them as a fellow Shepherd. So, it was with shock when I listened to three “preachers” condemn the “micromanagement” of these Shepherds! (Paul even goes so far as to identify how a charge could be leveled against an Elder.)

Is it “micromanagement” to make me lie down in green pastures? Is it “micromanagement” when he leads me by still waters? How about when you and I journey through the valley of the shadow of death, is this “micromanagement”? And, what’s this about a comforting rod and staff? Yes, I know that I was looking at Psalm 23 and this illustrates God as the Good Shepherd! But, is this not the pattern for Shepherds today? They are to teach, guide, and illustrate through their own lives the application of God’s Word of how to be worthy of the calling by which they were called. Does this sound like “micromanagement”? I don’t know. To some sheep, this may appear so.

Internal rot begins with the failure to exercise the authority of oversight. It is exacerbated by sheep wanting to go their own ways.

Let us be careful, examining and alert. There’s a way unto man that “makes sense” that leads to destruction. Rot can be cut out, mitigated. But, it takes one with a sharp eye to identify it and correct it.

“Warning Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!”

Who will heed this warning?

Jack (12/20/18)


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Last modified: 12/14/24