Gregory Blvd Church of Christ

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THIS WEEK            4/14/24                               

Praise the Lord we're open for business!

Doug T - Morning Class
Doug T - Speaker


Continue Our Study in Luke - Bill N

Bill is doing the announcements and Paul is in charge of the program.

Serving one another is how we help and encourage each other. Please let the Elders know how you can serve.

No man ever spoke like this Man! (John 7:46)  Truly this Man was the SON of GOD . (Mark 15:39)



Communion Preparation - Bill & Barbara

Collection Counting - Adam/Paul







“If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches.”

To please Satan, we do not have to rob a bank, commit a murder, or cheat on a spouse.  We can slightly cross any moral line.  Occasionally Christians have an extraordinary moral breach overnight, but usually, it is more subtle.  It happens when one starts compromising on small things—getting too close emotionally to someone other than a spouse; shading the truth to impress others; a small bet on a big game; taking unwarranted tax deductions. 

If we resist compromise when first tempted, it is easier to resist the next time.  If we give in, that is easier next time, too.  JESUS said, “If you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own. (Luke 16:12) Temptation itself is not sin—but giving in to temptation is.  At the same time, no Christian can pray “lead me not into temptation” and then deliberately place himself where he knows he will be tempted.  Satan attacks the vulnerable.  Do not play in Satan’s playground.  “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)        


“Now is the day of salvation.”   2 Corinthians 6:2

Tomorrow, he promised his conscience; tomorrow I mean to believe.  Tomorrow I’ll think as I ought to; tomorrow my Savior receive.  Tomorrow, I’ll conquer the habits that hold one from heaven away.

But ever his conscience repeated one word, and only one word: Today. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, – Thus day after day it went on; Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow—till youth like a vision was gone, till age and passions had written the message of fate on his brow.

And forth from the shadows came death, with the pitiless syllable, NOW! What will you do with JESUS?  The call comes low and clear; The solemn words are sounding now in your listening ear. Immortal life is in the question, and joy through eternity.  Then what will you do with JESUS; what will your answer be?   

(Adapted from Heart to Heart)



Titus Star G Steve S Tony H Dan G
Kim R Jack D Barbara N Ed S Brian R
Carol R        
Other Health
Sheena     Carolyn G Carroll B Dora B Kristopher B
Jerry & Jean N Juna & Walt R      John R Linda M & Family Daniel
John M McKenzie L     Dakota Jackie D Kari Ann
Ed S Conner B     Harriet N Jane S Gaylene G
Vincent Kristi L Gavin F Haden Daniel
Betty M Shawn C      
Upcoming Surgeries/Procedures
Elderly & Shut-In
Carol G Jane S Walt R Juna R Shirley V
        Rita P Jean N      
Service Men & Women
Expectant Mothers

Always remember our young people who have grown out of the family home and are pursuing studies and careers, that they continue to seek wisdom from the omni-present Father. And that they continue to hold Him first in their lives.




There’s a song that states, in the chorus, “You ask me how I know Jesus lives?” It answers, “He lives in my heart.”

The question is a legitimate question. Too few people wrestle with this question and the implications from the answer.

I am thankful that I do not have to rely on getting up on the right side of the bed, having a full stomach or some sensation, to answer this question.

Examine the testimony. Jesus is a proven historical person. Deny anything else that one might, the historical record proves that Jesus lived. There is better testimony of this fact than of the stated battle of Waterloo or the historical record of some guy by the name of Bonaparte.

Examine the historical evidence of the empty tomb. If Jesus did not raise from the tomb, who took His body? The Romans did not. Pilate sealed the tomb at the insistence of the Jewish leaders.

The Disciples could not take the body, that was what the Jews were trying to prevent. If the Jews didn’t, the Romans didn’t and the Disciples couldn’t, why was the tomb empty? Who removed the stone?

Examine the testimony of Thomas. Thomas missed the assembly of the Disciples when the resurrected Jesus showed Himself. Thomas refused to believe the resurrection until he put his fingers in the nail holes and place his hand where the spear pierced the body of Jesus. At the next assembly, when Thomas was able to physically examine the resurrected body of Jesus, he testified that Jesus is both Lord and God.

Examine the testimony of the Disciples. Prior to the death of Jesus, they argued among themselves about their positions in what they assumed was to be a physical kingdom the Messiah was to establish. Yet, on the Day of Pentecost they turned to announce the spiritual kingdom for which they would give their lives to build.

Examine the testimony of all who saw the resurrected Jesus. Can all who saw Him perpetuate such an elaborate narrative?

Examine the testimony of Saul of Tarsus. Galatians 1 makes a solid, irrefutable case for the resurrection of Jesus.

How do I know Jesus lives? I’m not dependent on a “good” feeling. The testimony speaks volumes!

Jack (9/04/23)


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Last modified: 4/13/24