Gregory Blvd Church of Christ

7109 Raytown Rd

Raytown, MO 64133


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THIS WEEK           1/19/25                               

Praise the Lord we're open for business!

Jack D - Morning Class
Peter M  - Speaker

WEDNESDAY: Jack D will continue a Study of Nahum

Bill is doing the announcements and Paul is in charge of the program.

Serving one another is how we help and encourage each other. Please let the Elders know how you can serve.



Communion Preparation - Jack & Cheryl

Collection Counting - Kenny/Chris




"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation" Mark 16:15


There's a "For Rent" sign in front of a house near my home. It's for rent because the young mother who lived there with her husband and two young children committed suicide recently. Her family has moved out and put the house up for rent.

I think of her every time I drive by on my way to and from work and see that sad little sign. Here I am, not one hundred yards from her front door, a two minute walk, daily thanking God for life eternal and the blessings of living in this lovely place with children playling happily in the street while this woman quietly ended her life.

I probably saw her and waved a friendly hello, as people do who live around here, without ever knowing about her pain and sorrow--content to think all was well in her life as it was in mine. I regret that someone so close to me was not aware of the message of hope and life that existed in me but was absent in her hour of need. Survivor guilt perhaps, the thoughts of one who knows he could have done much more.

The sign speaks to me each day. A reminder that we don't really know what goes on in people's lives, even those who live next door--For Rent, For Sale, Foreclose.

"There's no bringing her back," the grief counselor will say to her family and curious neighbors. "You'll have to move on with your lives," helping everyone to get busy with the new reality that has suddenly appeared.

Eventually the sign will come down and some new family will begin their story in that place. Maybe I'll wave and say hello. Maybe I'll know a name, a job, a dream. Maybe they'll know I have a hope and I live just up the street.




Titus Star G Steve S Tony H Dan G
Kim R Jack D Barbara N Ed S Brian R
Carol R Wes S Debra B The See sisters Jim G
Other Health
Sheena     Carolyn G Carroll B Dora B Kristopher B
Jerry & Jean N Juna R      John R Michael S Daniel
John M McKenzie L     Dakota Jackie D Kari Ann
Ed S Conner B     Harriet N Jane S Gaylene G
Vincent Fred M Gavin F Haden Daniel
Betty M Shawn C Sandra H Kim Thomas
Upcoming Surgeries/Procedures
Elderly & Shut-In
Carol G Jane S Jerry & Jean N  Rita P Shirley V
Service Men & Women
Expectant Mothers

Always remember our young people who have grown out of the family home and are pursuing studies and careers, that they continue to seek wisdom from the omni-present Father. And that they continue to hold Him first in their lives.




“OPEN TRENCH” the sign says, but what does it mean? Is there such a thing as a closed trench? An open trench is a man dug ditch, so why is it distinguished from a ditch? It is meant as a warning, like “BRIDGE OUT”? Precede with caution! Venture forth at your own risk!

In Matthew 16 the Pharisees demanded a sign from heaven. What? Jesus just fed the 5,000 men (and who knows how many women and children). He just fed the 4,000 men. He was healing people left and right. And, they want a sign from heaven? Either Jesus was the world’s best magician to conjure up all this food and heal all these people or it came from heaven!

No, what the Pharisees wanted was entertainment through which they might trick Him. They had ulterior motives.

Jesus replied to the effect, “there’s no more coming.” Look, do you need a “BRIDGE OUT” sign every few feet? How many signs do you need before you heed the warning?

Jesus used the adage that I remember applied to sailors - “Red Sky at morning, sailor take warning. Red Sky at night, sailor’s delight!” Open your eyes! Heed the warning! Venture forth at your own peril!

Some signs warn in a manner to get one to ponder-“open trench”, or “use caution.” (Does this imply that we can be incautious elsewhere when we are driving?) Jesus was providing heavenly testimony to His teaching with His every action, but rather than opening their eyes, they attempted to grind out their own agendas.

There’s a lesson for me here. I need to open my eyes to the simplicity of the Gospel realizing others may attempt to confuse things with their own agendas. In simple trusting faith, is the way to look at Jesus!

Jack (7/24/18)


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Last modified: 1/18/25